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As an Employee or Employer you may have the need for representation in an employment tribunal. The circumstances that lead to this decision are hugely varied and can be relatively simple to very complex. The tribunal could last from half a day to a week so the cost will also vary.

The only way to accurately estimate the cost is for you to come in and discuss your particular circumstances so that we can see firstly if it is worth pursuing and then what we estimate the cost would be.

Typically, on a simple case, making a claim through to a hearing will cost between £2,000 plus £400 VAT (20%) and £5,000 plus £1,000 VAT (20%). A high complexity case will cost between £20,000 plus £4,000 VAT (20%) and £30,000 plus £6,000 VAT (20%). Additional costs will depend on the length of the tribunal itself and will be based on an hourly rate of £260 plus £52 VAT (20%).

In addition to the above costs, you may incur disbursements. Disbursements are costs related to your matter that are payable to third parties, such as Counsel’s fees. Counsel’s fees are typically between £1,500 plus £300 VAT (20%) and £2,500 plus £500 VAT (20%) per day (depending on level of experience required for complexity of the case) for attending and representing you at the Tribunal Hearing.

A simple matter takes around 6 months from claim to tribunal, but of course this can vary depending on the complexity of you case. A complex case can take up to 18 months to conclude. At all stages of our instruction we will advise you of likely timescales whenever possible.

The fees set out above cover all work at each stage of the claim as follows:

  • Initial appointment, taking instructions and providing initial advice as to merits
  • Assisting with ACAS Early Conciliation and negotiating on your behalf (a mandatory step in the claims process)
  • Drafting claim or response and considering other party’s position
  • Drafting or considering schedule of loss
  • Preparing for Preliminary Hearing and attending to represent you
  • Exchanging documents with the other party and advising you in relation to the same
  • Agreeing and preparing bundle of documents for the tribunal
  • Preparing witness statements including taking statements and drafting
  • Reviewing other party’s witness statements and advising you
  • Agreeing list of issues and chronology
  • Preparation for and attendance at final hearing alongside Counsel
  • At all times exploring settlement of the matter and advising you as necessary

Fees for Employment Tribunal Claims

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