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Robert Barley

Job Title: Senior Partner


Telephone: 01502 533000

Location: Lowestoft

Robert Barley joined Norton Peskett Solicitors on April 1st 1997, having graduated with an Honours degree in Law from Trent Polytechnic (now Nottingham Trent University) in 1989.

He qualified as a Solicitor in 1993 and has specialised in Criminal Law throughout the majority of his career. He was appointed Partner in 1998 and joined the firm’s then Management Board in 2000 and has day to day responsibility for the running of the Criminal and Regulatory Department. Robert specialises in all aspects of Criminal Law and has not only defended clients but has also prosecuted for Government agencies. He has been Police Station Duty Solicitor qualified since 1994 and is a holder of the Higher Rights qualification enabling him to appear in all criminal courts. The department has been involved in many of the highest profile local cases during his time with Norton Peskett Solicitors but also appears in Courts across the country.

A few of the cases that he has led include:-

R v H and others – A Health and Safety at Work Act case involving the death of an employee and connected pervert the course of justice. He represented the Defendant Company Director together with the Company, securing a non-custodial outcome for the Defendant after a 2 week trial.

AE v B and others – A highly complex Contempt of Court case in the High Court. This related to credit hire arrangements involving car hire following road traffic accidents. The paperwork required an analysis of over 1.4 million documents, in addition to the Claimants evidence. It concluded in a 10+ week hearing in the High Ct in London and is believed to be amongst the largest, if not the largest, Contempt of Court case in the history of the civil justice system.

R v B and others – A complex murder involving a number of youths with issues around joint enterprise.

Trading Standards v P and others – A case brought by TS involving the wholesale fraudulent selling of telephone system contracts to businesses, schools, colleges and others around the region.

Trading Standards v L and others – A case brought by TS involving the sale of services relating to the prevention of cold calling of customers, securing an acquittal after 2 very lengthy trials.

R v C – A complex case involving allegations of sexual abuse within a family. The Defendant was acquitted after trial.

R v C – A murder of unusual depravity in Norfolk which required very careful and sensitive client management. The case involved major input from medical and psychiatric experts.

R v M – A domestic murder in which diminished responsibility was argued.

While born in Lowestoft, Robert spent the majority of his younger days travelling the world, living in Africa and throughout the Middle East with his parents. He has been known to jump out of planes, bungee jump and white water raft amongst other things, but is now married and has decided to calm down! He spends his spare time gardening, going down the pub, watching Ipswich Town FC, losing golf balls at his local course and exercising because he thinks it is good for him!

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