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Collaborative Law Solicitors

What is Collaborative Law?

Collaborative Law is an innovative and relatively new way for separating couples to resolve their differences by removing from the Court room and shifting them into an environment of openness and cooperation. As part of the process you and your partner would each instruct a Collaborative Lawyer and the four of us would then work together to find solutions of the matters that need to be addressed whether these concern money, children or any number of other issues.

What is the process?

All parties (including Lawyers) sign a Participation Agreement committing us to the process. This records commitments to deal with each other openly, honestly and with respect to insulate your children from dispute and to lock out the Court until the process have been exhausted.

We then follow a series of meetings until agreement is reached on the matters that concern you.

One of the advantages of Collaborative Law is its flexibility. This means that there is no set procedure and it is open to the participants to agree the procedure they wish to use and the timescale within which they wish matters to be resolved.

Does it work?

The Collaborative Law process is extremely successful. The aim by using it is not only to achieve a settlement of issues that you wish us to address but also to rebuild and maintain the relationships between you and your partner in the future despite your separation. This is particularly important when you are continuing to co-parent. Both you and your partner will have invested considerable time and effort in reaching the agreement and so our experience is that Collaborative Law settlements are more enduring.

More information

You can find out more information about the Collaborative Law process at the Resolution Collaborative Law page here.

Collaborative Lawyers must undertake specialist training and accreditation. We practice in regional groups known as PODs. You can find out about our POD the Good Divorce Group here. Not all cases are suitable for Collaborative Law but we are always happy to discuss the suitability with you. We would generally do this at the out set of the case. If you would like to find out more about Collaborative Law please contact us.

Collaborative Law

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